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Bouncing Back From Mistakes & Errors

In sports, mistakes and errors stink. But as an athlete, your biggest issue during competition isn't making the mistake or error. It's actually your negative response to them. Once you learn to handle the adversity in the heat of the moment, you can flip that mental switch to becoming more focused, zoned in and empowered. Inner mind work helps you do that. You’ll become resilient and in turn perform much better in games, competitions, matches, etc.

✔️Learn to reset, not react.

✔️Give effort, not excuses.

✔️Prove confidence with actions, not words.

Recognize your anger, embarrassment, frustration, negative thoughts briefly as petty mental events and then take a deep breath and redirect your focus towards constructive, empowered, gritty task-related thoughts that build confidence when you need it most.

Need to get deeper with finding your grit and confidence this season?

Contact me and I can help! I’ve helped thousands of athletes get their mind in a focused, calm, confident state. And I can help you too!

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