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Fear: The Other 4 Letter Bad Word

FEAR: that other 4 letter bad word!

What is it? It is a powerful emotional obstacle that hinders many of us from achieving success, experiencing joy, and leading a purposeful life. It is common for people to navigate through their daily lives gripped by fear, which can be mentally, emotionally, and physically draining as well as hazardous. Fear has been amplified by the fear mongering news, social media and more.

Fear contributes to anxiety, depression, and various health issues. Whether it's the fear of the future, fear of the unknown, fear of rejection, fear of failure, or fear of illness, these fears significantly impede your journey towards a fulfilling life. In my work with athletes over the years, I have observed how the fear of failure more often than not restrains them from unleashing their full potential.

So, how can we conquer our fears and embrace the best version of ourselves?

1) Engage in prayer (talking to God )and meditation (listening to God). Pray for gratitude, mental calmness and strength. Listen for the answer. It’s works!

2) Shift your perspective by focusing on what could go right instead of dwelling on what could go wrong. This takes intentional work since we are hardwired by society to think the “worst”. (Shame on you, society!)

3) Incorporate deep breathing exercises into your daily routine to promote healing and relaxation. Look up 4,7,8 breathing, combat breathing or physiological sigh breathing. Practice daily.

4) Ensure you connect with nature more and disconnect from electronics more daily to rejuvenate your spirit. Put your phone down when you hug your dog, walk barefoot on the grass, cloud gaze.

5) Release concerns about others' opinions and actions as they hold no significance in your journey. Ummm….IYKYK.

6) Envision a day filled with relaxation and tranquility, engaging all your senses in the experience. Visualization is VERY powerful.

7) Foster a positive self-dialogue by affirming your strength and potential. Use affirmations like "I am powerful and confident" to reinforce your belief in yourself.

😎 Let go of the need to control everything and instead embrace the present moment. Embracing mental freedom and courage will lead you to happiness and confidence beyond your expectations.

Need help letting go of fear? It’s my specialty! Contact me.

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