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Little Personal Experience Post

A Calm Mind=A Happy, Successful Mind.

The other day, I woke up with some things weighing on my mind. This doesn’t happen a lot to me anymore because I’ve really worked on my inner calmness for a while now. But I felt like I was unfocused and agitated that morning. I allowed my negative thoughts to invade my morning routine and I needed it to stop because I knew I was going to be miserable if I didn’t. So….What did I do? I took a few 😮‍💨deep breaths, listened to some high frequency 🎶music (low frequency is depressing/high frequency is uplifting), petted my sweet 🐕‍🦺dog, said a few 🙏🏽prayers and decided to focus on inner calmness, gratitude and peace instead. It worked. 😊

Just so you know, this quote “inner peace is the new success” doesn’t mean you won’t be faced with challenges, obstacles, problems, pressures, sadness, etc. sometimes. Of course we all will….we are humans! What it means is that your emotional reaction to those things can make all of the difference for how your day ends up going and how productive you’ll be.You can train your mind to have inner peace regardless of what’s happening around you. And quite honestly, we ALL need it right now.

It takes work, especially if you’ve been hardwired for so long to be stressed, unhappy, angry,bitter, have a victim mentality, are sad,etc., but once you figure it out (by putting the inner work in), you will feel amazing! (And it’s all natural too which empowers you even more!)

Rid your mind of the mental clutter, the sadness, the stress, the grief, the doubt. Find your inner peace! How?

Deep breathing


High frequency/calming music

Inner mind recordings

Go Outside and appreciate nature

Watch your self talk (be nice to you)

Have gratitude for something (even a cup of coffee!)

Walk barefoot on the grass

Pet an animal

Hug someone long

Need an extra nudge to find your inner peace? Contact me. I have some great actionable tools that will help. 💛🧠☮️

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