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SMILE; It’s Contagious!

Here’s a fun topic: ☺️ SMILING😁

Smiling is awesome but can it CHANGE YOUR MOOD?

Yes, yes it can! Smiling triggers the release of endorphins, which are the feel-good hormones that can boost your mood and reduce stress. Additionally, when you look in a mirror see yourself smiling back at you, it can create a positive feedback loop and reinforce positive emotions. Smiling is also contagious, so even if you initially force a smile, it can lead to genuine happiness and improve your overall mood.

I tell several of my elite athlete clients to practice smiling daily even when they don’t feel like it.

It makes you feel more relaxed, focused, happy and confident. Your relaxed and happy demeanor are the connection to success. Studies show that happy, smiling people are more likely to be successful in sports performance, academics, friendships, income, and work performance.

So for this exact reason, I tell many of my clients to smile in the mirror before leaving for school or practice or a game. 10-15 seconds is all it takes to change your mood and outlook. Do it at home, in the rear view mirror of your car (when it’s in park!😉) or the bathroom at your school, field, stadium….wherever you can find a mirror.

Doctors recommend it as well….

“Dr. Eva Ritzo recommends smiling at yourself in the mirror, an act she says not only triggers our mirror neurons, but can also help us calm down, become more focused and re-center if we're feeling low,nervous, pressured or anxious.” It turns out there's solid evidence that smiling can do us a world of good, emotionally, physically and mentally!

Sooooo….naturally I am challenging everyone to SMILE today! I promise you’ll feel better, do better and feel more confident (and it’s FREE!) Fake it if you need to! It tricks the mind and benefits the mood and immune system. And….it’s contagious! If you smile it usually makes someone else smile! Win/Win!


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