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What’s Your Focus?

What is your first thought when you wake up? When you drive to work or school? When you face adversity? Is it positive? Negative? Neutral?

Did you know if you focus on the negative, that’s exactly what your day is going to be like for you? The more attention and energy you give to something, the more it will grow or become prominent in your life. Your thoughts and focus, be it negative or positive,have the power to shape your entire day and really your reality.

Now let’s take athletes: In the context of an athlete focusing on their success, if they think about and visualize their goals daily, truly work hard towards them daily and maintain a positive mindset, they are for sure more likely to achieve success than others who don’t do that. By focusing on their strengths, improvements, and positive aspects of their performance, they can enhance their skills and increase their chances of succeeding. However, if they focus on how much time it takes out of their schedule, unfairness, jealousy, negativity, self-criticism, etc., they will most likely not succeed.

Similarly, for a coach focusing on their team, if they constantly criticize and dwell on the mistakes or weaknesses of their players, it can create a negative atmosphere and hinder the team's progress. However, if the coach focuses on the strengths, potential, and positive aspects of their team, it can boost their confidence, motivation, and overall performance. By emphasizing and expanding on what the team is doing right, the coach contributes to their success.

Basically, by focusing on the positive aspects, strengths, and improvements rather than dwelling on the negatives or mistakes, whether you’re a student, athlete, coach….(doesn’t matter what profession you are in), you will see more success and joy when focusing on the good stuff.

Need help turning that positve switch on in your head? Contact me. I can help!

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